Join us for our parks concerts, in physically distanced capacity! We’re presenting our summer recital twice, as a free concert in two of Portland’s beautiful parks. If you have a hankering for some live music, please come prepared to sit or stand at least 6 ft apart, and masks are also encouraged.
We’ll be playing:
Saturday, August 29, 2pm-Penninsula Park Gazebo (or nearby if gazebo is taken)
Sunday, August 30, 2pm-Mt. Tabor Ampitheater (or nearby if stage is taken)
Scherzo by John Cheetham
Brass Quintet No. 3 by Victor Ewald
Four Movements for Five Brass by Collier Jones
Brass Quintet by Jan Koetsier
Vuelta del Fuego by Kevin McKee
If you’re so inclined to leave us a tip after hearing our performance, tips can be given at or on Venmo, @RoseCityBrass.